These pictures are of the geocache Not many pine trees back here... and the surrounding woods. 

This is a picture of the Travel Bug Locker Key. I took this from the cache and I'll put it in another sometime soon.

These two pictures are from Strawbridge Cache. It was a nice place to go, but I didn't find the container for this one. Maybe the trees were interefering with the GPS signal too much...

This picture is of the cache container from Don't Forget To Sign The Log. This one was two parts, and in the first container were coordinates to the second. It was a nice walk around Strawbridge Lake in Moorestown.

This is a picture of the geocache BB Fast Cache. It was one of those tiny little magnetic nano cache containers. This one was hidden under a light post in a parking lot.

These 2 pictures are from the geocache Wubba. It was hidden near the pond right by the intersection of Hartford Rd and Union Mill Road. It was easy to find, but pretty muddy from all the rain.

This picture is of the cache called Trotter's Crossing. It's a plastic peanut butter jar with camo tape all around it. It was hidden inside an old dead tree. I almost didn't find it because you had to reach your hand way up inside the hollow part of the tree to grab the jar.

These two pictures are from the geocache Almost to the end... It was hidden in the woods bordering some soccer fields just off Briggs Road in Mt. Laurel. It's a nice park and there's some good trails through these woods.

Also in those same woods off Briggs Road was another geocache called Rocket Graveyard. This one was actually easier to find than the other.

Visit my new track Mt. Laurel Geocaching started in United States, New Jersey, Cherry Hill.
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