On our way from NJ to the Baltimore Aquarium, we stopped at the Maryland House rest stop on I-95 to stretch our legs, grab a snack, and look for a few geocaches. Just as Gino and I were heading into the woods, a couple was walking to the same spot with a GPS in hand, and we searched the woods beside the parking lot until we found both caches hidden there. The first one, Maryland House (Version 2.0), was pretty easy to find. It was a big tupperware container glued to an old car tire rim. Since we were in the woods beside a major rest stop, it wasn't really out of the ordinary to see something like that lying around back there, and Gino was the one who turned it over and made the find. We left our Tough Cache Geocoin inside this one.

The second cache in the same woods, Maryland House III - Bushwhacker's Delight, was another 500 feet deeper, and we had to cross 2 little streams and avoid getting poked in the eye by low branches and scratched by thorns. I actually made the find this time because Gino was too busy throwing sticks into the stream to really look. It wasn't that hard to find once we got to the area, and we left our Pennsylvania Geocoin inside this container.
On the way back to the car, we found the third one at the same rest stop. This one, Maryland House IV - Finally a Micro, was a larger red bison tube hidden in the crook of a tree. Even though the tree was right beside one of the buildings, it was easy to search without being noticed because the area was surrounded by large bushes and we were out of sight. Gino was too small to find this one by himself, but sitting on my shoulders helped him make the grab!

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