The first find was one called Tomorrow's House From Yesterday. This one was a virtual cache, meaning that there was no actual cache container to find. Instead, you're supposed to look at what's at the coordinates and answer a question for the cache owner in order for your log to count.
This house was called the Futuro House, designed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen in 1968. It was supposed to be the house of the future since it was made entirely of plastic and was light enough to be transported anywhere. It resembels a space ship more than anything else. It could accomodate up to 8 people. Unfortunately, due to the oil crisis in 1973, plans to mass produce these houses were spoiled and only 20 were actually built.

The second geocache in the area that I found today was called Close To Home 3. It was a small container hidden in the wooded area behind home plate in a public baseball field.

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